East Lothian Housing Association

Useful Contacts & Links

East Lothian Council

East Lothian Council provide a range of services to people living in East Lothian. You can visit their website at www.eastlothian.gov.uk. The following telephone numbers may also be useful:

Main Switchboard 01620 827 827
Housing Benefit & Council Tax Enquiries 01620 827 827
Housing Access Team 0800 169 1611
Welfare Rights Team, Brunton Hall 0131 653 5228
Building Control & Planning 01620 827 216
Recycling Helpline 01620 827 215
Special Uplift for Large Items 01875 824305
Dog Warden 01620 827310
Social Work Department - Community Care 0845 603 1576

Free wi-fi hotspots in East Lothian

Scottish Public Services Ombudsman
Bridgeside House
99 McDonald Road
Tel: 0800377 7330
Website: www.spso.org.uk
Citizens Advice Bureau
46 Court Street
East Lothian
Tel:01620 824 471
Website: www.cas.org.uk/bureaux/haddington-citizens-advice-bureau
Citizens Advice Bureau
141 High Street
East Lothian
Tel:0131 653 2748
Website: www.musselburghcab.org.uk

Please contact your local Citizens Advice Bureau to check their opening hours.

Women’s Aid East and Mid Lothian
Tel:0131 663 9827
Email: info@womensaideml.org
Website: www.womensaideml.org
Shelter Housing Aid Centre
Opening hours: 8am - 8pm Mon-Fri, 9am - 5pm Sat-Sun
Tel:0808 800 444 (Free from mobiles & landlines)
Website: http://scotland.shelter.org.uk
(The Consultation & Advocacy Promotion Service)
CAPS Independent Advocacy
Old Stables
Eskmills Park
Station Road
EH21 7PQ
Tel:0131 273 5116
Email: advocate@capsadvocacy.org
Website: www.capsadvocacy.org

CAPS provide an independent advocacy service for people in the Lothians with mental health issues.

Other Housing Associations in East Lothian