Applicant Feedback Report
Quarter 1 - 2022/23


This report contains feedback data from applicants who registered between 1 April 2022 and 30 June 2022.


Number of surveys completed: 554

The number of completed surveys has increased significantly from the fourth quarter of 2021/22 (Fourth quarter had 161 responses).

How long did it take you to register?

How long did it take you to register?

How easy did you find it to register?

How easy did you find it to register?

The time it takes applicants to register has remained relatively consistent this quarter , with 73% of tenants registering with 30 minutes. In the last quarter this figure was 75%. The proportion of applicants who had difficulty registering also remains consistently low at 7%.

Was there anything you found particularly difficult?

Was there anything you found particularly difficult?

Reasons for finding These Homes difficult to use:

There were very little clarity on the applicants, or maybe just me, I presumed that I was the applicant and there was another section later on to enter the children that would be residing in the property part time. As a result I had to edit the aplication which in turn required additional reviews.
Getting the right office area.
Still don't know exactly who these homes are and if I can bid for one Remembering the password.
Putting my details in.
Still not sure if l have registered or how to see homes available information received. l can do most things on the internet but don't know if l have missed suitable houses.
Not computerised, whole application becomes terrifying.
It was difficult to understand some of the words because I don't speak English.
Re-entering information then it wouldn’t accept it etc.
Initially I was stuck with dates, an error kept repeating. Eventually this sorted itself.
I found a good bit of it difficult.
I just don’t think that the allocation of houses is fair & I’m not interested in moving to a different city so it would have been easier if it was just within the Inverclyde area.
Trying to remember dates of houses.
Had to get help to do it because not good with online things.
I’m dyslexic would be easier to talk to someone didn’t feel I said what was needed.
Upload documents.

Can you think of any improvements that would have made the process easier?

Can you think of any improvements that would have made the process easier?

Suggestions for improvements:

It could be easier to provide proof of health issues.
There needs to be much more input regarding disability, and how it affects people.
Clearer instructions on including children as applicants.
I have certain medical conditions. If there was ever a section to fill in onscreen rather than trying to get all the information then it prove a lot easier. It is not that easy to get information.
Text message instead of emails.
Feedback would be great.
Option to register the old fashioned way, I.e. paperwork.
People with mental health who are suffering bad getting treatment should be awarded more than bronze.
What happens next email/call would be beneficial.
Maybe if you have a application number or reference number you can enter instead of entering every person that stays in your household.
Talk to someone help to complete forms correctly for people with disabilities. Keeping the old way.
Having the access to the medical needs form alongside the application instead of having to wait on the application form being assessed then waiting on another handwritten form to complete and send.
Having someone read the application and saw there were disabilities with applicants perhaps phone the person and maybe get a better, fuller insight into their disabilities.
Having 1 service that takes into account all services . Better continuity between council & all avail services. More home in Tillicoultry.
Asking for all information in the first instance as opposed to asking for further information via ‘Notes’.
A bit more information on the system before actually going on to register and also when it came to the question of the reason for wanting to move, there was no option to answer 'other reason' if you did not match with one of the specific categories.

How have you received information?

How have you received information?

‘Other’ methods of contact:

Face to face was told about it.
As I was familiar with this a friend kept me informed as how to apply.
I phone for a housing form.
Someone told me about them.
Haven’t had any info yet.
Housing association.
It was ok but got help.
Word of mouth.
Angus Housing Association in Dundee.
I use the website, only *inverclyde common register*
Friend and family.
Looked you up on google.
A friend told me about it.
Saw photos on the facebook and heard through friends.
From my Occupational Therapist.
Visited office.
From friends.

How do you rate the service?

An average of: 8.05/10