This report contains feedback data from applicants who registered between 1 July 2022 and 30 September 2022.
Number of surveys completed: 297
The number of completed surveys has decreased from the first quarter of 2022/23, but still remains a good number of responses.
How long did it take you to register?
How easy did you find it to register?
The time it takes applicants to register has remained consistent in the second quarter with 75% of tenants registering with 30 minutes. In the last quarter this figure was 73%. The proportion of applicants who had difficulty registering also remains consistent at 7%.
Was there anything you found particularly difficult?
Reasons for finding These Homes difficult to use:
5 months ago I was assessed by RCH and the homelessness as requiring a 2 bed place and I got a 2 bed place which I am currently in, but ichr have assessed me as requiring a 1 bed place lol, I have since provided the info they require but am still waiting on my assessment being changed to a 2 bed requirement. |
I need a house, worked all my days never been on the dole now I need a house and can’t get one. |
Sometimes I put info in and nothing comes up. |
Uploading documents from my iPad. |
I found it quite misleading but after contacting support they were very helpful on pointing me in the right direction. |
It's quite difficult to view properties. |
Difficulty was remembering dates and some detailed information that was required. |
The unnecessary need to bring a medical note when I have been awarded a silver pass twice in the past, as recently as 2020 and then way back in 2012 |
Section 7: Pre-Tenancy Questions:
Do you require support to sustain a tenancy?
What type of support/Who provides this support? I was unsure of the information that was required for this question, I am lucky I get support from a home maker, she made a phone call to I.C.H.R to get advice on how to answer this question, |
Lots of old people don't have internet and also don't have email address. |
I tried to add details but was unable to do so I had to phone These Homes to get it added. But searching for homes is very easy. |
It's not straightforward at all and not clear to add family members I had to call up even then my application wasn't done properly. |
The dates for previous housing was very complicated. |
Entering previous tenancies. |
I’m not to tec savie so not to sure. |
Downloading Documents. |
I don't know how to note my medical points in. |
I wanted to add in a note about my current situation & ask for help with my priority pass & applications. |
Medical reasons. |
Can you think of any improvements that would have made the process easier?
Suggestions for improvements:
Change assessments quicker when you are corrected. |
Maybe a space for the person to better explain their situation and then decide whether or not they qualify as a priority. As in my case, for example. | Get me a house. |
More space to detail medical problems and reasons for having to move would be helpful. |
Text enlargement please. |
giving more options regarding floors levels (add something like "first", "second" etc. to current only "ground" and "any") |
Read applications thoroughly. |
Our registration expired which meant we had to re-register. I completed the form when sent the reminder email but the form didn’t process for some reason. (Computer error perhaps) Our circumstances remained the same, so this seemed a waste of time and I spent a morning having it set back up. |
It might have been easier if I had a face to face appointment/consultation with a member of staff from These Homes, someone who knows the registration form well, this way there would have been no room for error on my part. |
Send out forms for people that don't have Internet when they call. |
Larger print. |
There is duplication in the section following people living in the home. Similar to some Govt forms. |
Ability to add details. |
I wish I had spoken to someone and put more information about my circumstances on the form. |
Do simple easy clear forms, put main applicant then family members who will live with you then a separate part for people who don't live with you but will move in with you, you shouldn't have to keep returning to try and full in information. |
Make it easier, the form is very difficult in certain places. |
It would be great to see where on a list an applicant is when bidding for a property, and/or how many bids have submitted for each property it would allow the applicant to manage expectation. |
How have you received information?
‘Other’ methods of contact:
Used them before. |
From family. |
Internet search. |
Was told by a friend. |
Only joined. |
Googled. |
In an Internet search. |
Aberdeen city council. |
I heard from a work colleague who has been staying in a council accommodation. |
Accommodation. |
Google, landlord Website |
Council. |
Homehunt. |
From family. |
A friend. |
Friends. |
How do you rate the service?
An average of: 8.44/10